Client Friendly Flyers - 2015 Email Week 48
Welcome to the S&K Customer Friendly Flyer Generator. If you would like to send out a custom flyer to your customers you can fill in your information in the boxes below and then click on the button below. Your flyer will then be created with your information in JPG format that you can save to your computer and email to your customers! After your flyer is created please 'Right Click' on the flyer and then click on SAVE AS to save the image to your computer. You will be able to generate as many different versions as you need to send to your customers.

Click Here to view our 'How To' Video on our Client Friendly Flyers!

Enter YOUR Company Information and YOUR Customer's Prices for the following items and click the YELLOW button to generate YOUR Customer Friendly Price Sheet. Prices displayed below in our sample flyer are the S&K NET prices for the below listed item(s) and should be changed!

 Please enter YOUR INFORMATION below so your customers can contact you for sales!
Your Company Name:  ( Line 1 )
Additional Info 1:  ( Line 2 If Needed - IF NOT, enter a SINGLE BLANK SPACE ' ' )
Additional Info 2:  ( Line 3 If Needed - IF NOT, enter a SINGLE BLANK SPACE ' ' )
Your Website Address: 
Your Phone Number: 
 Please enter YOUR PRICING INFORMATION for the below product(s)!
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All Information and Images are ©2014-2015 S&K Manufacturing